Baby You Can Drive My Car

November 4, 2005    By: Kristen J @ 9:56 pm   Category: Life

There is a criminal element that runs through my blood. I have a great-great-great-grandfather that was indicted for murder, before he joined the church. (more…)

Halloween Revisited [Updated… with ninja fights]

November 2, 2005    By: Kristen J @ 12:28 pm   Category: Life

Well, my fellow bloggers here are a couple Halloween pictures that I promised to post. (more…)

Come Sale Away

October 29, 2005    By: Kristen J @ 8:18 pm   Category: Life

I had my first garage sale this morning. It was definitely an interesting experience, one that I will not repeat any time soon. Oh, it wasn’t that bad, I think I just went into the experience a little naïve.

Anytime I’ve made noises about having a garage sale in the past my husband has made grumbling noises and mumbled that he thought we should just give our stuff to the needy and not try to sell it at some dumb sale. Most of the time I agreed with him and so the garage sale has always been shelved. Not today, it was a neighborhood sale and I had to get in on it. (more…)

You Think it’s Funny but it’s Snot

October 26, 2005    By: Kristen J @ 7:57 pm   Category: Life

I know, I know, I’m having a really crass week but I thought I would add one more post to the list. Here goes…

I hate snot and boogers. I am not a weak stomached person normally. Barf, pooh, blood, and guts usually don’t bother me, but not snot. Nothing gets my gagging faster than boogers. I’ve always been this way. I can remember watching kids picking their noses in elementary school and being completely grossed out. (more…)

I’m an Uber Nerd

October 23, 2005    By: Kristen J @ 9:23 pm   Category: Life

Marriage has turned me into an Uber Nerd. The fact that I’m using the word uber is proof in itself. My transformation began right at the start of my journey into marital bliss. (more…)

Not for the Faint of Fart!

October 20, 2005    By: Kristen J @ 8:09 pm   Category: Life

I must warn you that this post is not for the faint of heart. I plan on using the words fart, poop, and belch a lot in this post so if these words bother you than you should stop reading now! (more…)

Super powers

October 11, 2005    By: Geoff J @ 11:20 pm   Category: Life,Scriptures

So Clark and I were discussing superheroes and Mormonism briefly the other day. He already put up a post on it (but in true super villain form failed to mention me – he shall hereafter be known as Dr. FailsToGiveProps). Anyway, I always thought the Mormon super power (if we had one) would be closest to the powers of an obscure former X-Man named Longshot.

Longshot was actually neither a human nor a mutant, but somehow he made it into the X-Men for a while. His super powers included things that have nothing to do with Mormonism like agility, knife throwing accuracy, etc. But his best super power was this: Good Luck. (more…)

A Mid-summer Memory

October 10, 2005    By: Kristen J @ 11:58 pm   Category: Life,Rock 'n' Roll

It’s late, I’m hunkered down in my studio/closet making jewelry and listening to music on my computer. Normally I listen on headphones but tonight something makes me let the music flow freely out into the night air. (more…)


October 3, 2005    By: Kristen J @ 9:15 pm   Category: Life

Me not feel so good! There you have it, today I am sick. It’s one of those head feels like cotton, sinus-throbbing, sneezing, and aching flus. I don’t have a fever though. That doesn’t mean anything because I rarely get fevers. My left leg could be completely covered in gangrene and the ER nurses would still send me home due to lack of fever. In fact, the ER almost missed my appendicitis once because I didn’t have a fever. The nurses said, “Well it can’t be appendicitis because you don’t have a fever. I guess your tummy just hurts. Buh-bye.” (more…)

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

September 29, 2005    By: Kristen J @ 12:40 pm   Category: Life,Rock 'n' Roll

I’m not one to toot my own horn, but since I’m usually trying to convince everyone what a dork I am I thought it might be a breath of fresh air for all of us if I tell you about one of my more awesome characteristics. (more…)

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

September 26, 2005    By: Kristen J @ 6:44 pm   Category: Life

I love Halloween. Is that weird? I think it’s almost as fun as Christmastime. I love to dress up in fabulous costumes. I spend all year thinking about what I’ll be. Funny thing is, I don’t usually decide until right before Halloween. I know why I like the costume part of Halloween. You get to be anything you want for just one night and no one looks at you like you are some kind of fruitcake. Here are some of the things I’ve thought about being this year: Marie Antoinette, a pirate, a punk rocker, a highland lass, and Scarlet O’Hara. (more…)

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