Kristen Sometimes Faileth

July 24, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 10:56 pm   Category: Life,Mormon Culture/Practices

I grew up thinking that I was a pretty charitable person. I frequently saw the Relief Society’s “Charity Never Faileth” slogan and I felt warm and fuzzy inside because I knew deep in my heart that I was a kind and loving person. (more…)


July 20, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 8:19 am   Category: Life,Mormon Culture/Practices

As the “Ward Literacy Specialist” I’ve been assigned to do sharing time this week. I was going to do a short presentation on computer safety but then I was made aware that Pioneer Day is coming up. Now I’m thinking that I should do something on the pioneers. I’m completely at a loss to figure anything out.

Does anyone have any fabulous Primary Sharing Time activities that may have to do with the pioneers?

Frankly I’d appreciate any sharing time ideas because my computer safety idea was lame too.

Prospering in the land

July 19, 2006    By: Geoff J @ 6:04 pm   Category: Life,Mormon Culture/Practices,Scriptures

In my life I’ve discovered that keeping the commandments leads directly to me prospering in the land. I like prospering – it is waaaay better than not prospering. Sure, I have been less prosperous at certain points in time than at others but overall I’ve discernibly prospered as I’ve kept my covenants. (I could give tons of examples but it would come off as bragging or something so I’ll refrain.) The Book of Mormon repeatedly promises that we all will prosper in the land if we keep the commandments of God. Do you consistently experience discernible prosperity as you keep the commandments too? Is my experience the norm or unusual?


By the Sea

July 18, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 12:06 am   Category: Life

Last Saturday Geoff and I took our family to the ocean to do some swimming and surfing. It was a beautiful day, a little on the hot side, and very crowded on the sand and in the water.

As soon as we set our towels on the ground the uncles, dads, and older children head off to the surfing area of the beach while the younger kids run to the water in front of us to jump and tumble over the waves. (more…)

Hot Mama

July 8, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 10:22 am   Category: Life

I don’t know if you’re aware of this but it gets really hot here in Arizona during the summer time. I mean really, really hot, 115 degrees hot. It doesn’t really bug that much though. After living here for a few years I’ve gotten used to it. No, really, I have. (more…)

Tell Me Something Good

June 7, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 9:30 pm   Category: Life

This has been one of the most difficult years of my life. Dealing with my Dad’s terminal cancer was much more stressful than I anticipated and his final days and funeral were extremely sad and exhausting to me and everyone in my family. Throw in immediate and extended family dynamics and you’ve got a humdinger of a time. (more…)

Don’t Stand So Close to Me

June 5, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 9:48 pm   Category: Life

I have always enjoyed my personal space. You know what I mean, that little foot or so of space that surrounds your body. For the most part I don’t like people to enter this space unless they have been invited by me either through word or gesture. (more…)

Dream Job

May 12, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 1:32 am   Category: Life

I’m a perpetual day dreamer. I don’t consider it a bad thing since it has gotten me through some pretty rough times in my life. For instance, the horrible job I had held during the summers during college. While I packed box after box of school supplies I dreamt of the fabulous places I would visit or lucrative businesses I would start. We were not allowed to listen to music or really talk to each other while we worked so day dreaming was as good as it got for me. (more…)

Give Me Some Sugar Baby!

May 8, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 9:59 pm   Category: Life

Hi my name is Kristen and I’m a sugar/chocoholic. I love the stuff. If I were to have my dream day of eating it would consist of high quality hot chocolate and a chocolate filled croissant for breakfast and a little (well, not too little) box full of chocolate truffles for a mid-morning snack. Lunch would be a large, warm pazooki with chocolate ice cream and a large Dr Pepper. For an afternoon snack I would then have a bag of rollos and another large Dr Pepper. (more…)

Dad and the Sound

April 30, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 7:59 pm   Category: Life

I was fortunate as a child to grow up in Washington State on the Puget Sound. It was wonderful to be able to look west out our front window and see the beautiful blue-gray inlets and harbors framed by the strong evergreens. The view also included the perfect panorama of the majestic Olympic mountain range. Sunsets were never lovelier than right out my front door. (more…)

Dad Knows Best

April 28, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 12:02 am   Category: Life

I’ve decided to do a series of posts based on memories of my dad. I feel that he deserves to be remembered in this way and more importantly I want to document my memories here so that my tiny children will one day be able to read about him and learn to love him like I do. (more…)

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