Recommended: BYU-I Perspective Magazine

October 29, 2008    By: Matt W. @ 10:21 pm   Category: Life

Tonight I discovered a Mormon Studies Magazine that I was not previously aware of. BYU- Idaho Perspective is sort of the small college equivalent of BYU Studies, The Religious Educator, and Something else all rolled into one.

10 years

October 10, 2008    By: Matt W. @ 10:14 pm   Category: Life

Today is the ten year anniversary of my baptism. Forgive me for being sentimental.


Correlation is Not Causation

October 6, 2008    By: Matt W. @ 9:40 pm   Category: Life

As a Business Analyst, the mantra I try to remember every day while I try to figure out how the company is doing, why it is the way it is, and what we can and should do, is that correlation is not causation. Sometimes logical fallacies are put forth by well-intentioned people and actions are taken based on that faulty logic which could have been more effective if superseded by a nice dose of common sense. In our LDS setting, let me put forth a few examples, having to do with conversion and retention.

1. 50% of youth are inactive before they reach the age of 12, Therefore Primary Teachers are the most important calling in the Church.

The Difference Between Young Men and Young Women

August 30, 2008    By: Matt W. @ 6:13 pm   Category: Life

Every 5th Sunday in our ward, the Young Women started a tradition where a member of the Bishopric comes in and the Youth can ask them any questions they have. By Way of Contrast, here are some example questions:

Young Women:
-Who is Heavenly Father’s Father, and why Don’t we worship him?
-Why is there Suffering in the world when there is an all loving God?

Young Men:
-If you could pet a panda, would you?
-Which is your favorite Star Wars Movie?

Is this just my ward, or is it churchwide?

BYU Idaho Fight Club? What the Crap?

August 25, 2008    By: Matt W. @ 8:57 am   Category: Life

I frankly find this disturbing.

President Clark, you have a problem.

Help me find “The Best Books”

August 22, 2008    By: Matt W. @ 9:40 pm   Category: Life

So, I have noted that my typical habit of buying books and giving them away has once again depleted my inventory. So I have been shopping the internet tonight, and I started thinking about the fact that I should buy books that help people with their issues, which got me to thinking about what all the issues are that my lds and other friends are going through, and I thought I would posit to the group what the best “faithful”* books are that deal with these issues:

So what is the best book(and you can’t answer the scriptures) that deals with:

Why be married?

August 12, 2008    By: Matt W. @ 12:10 pm   Category: Life

So I have to teach the Young Men a lesson this Sunday on choosing an Eternal Companion, and while I was going through the lesson, I noticed a sort of lacunae.

Why do we want to get married?

The only thing the manual provides is that old chestnut “Men can’t be exalted without being married”.

Question: Does the prophet ever publish original material in the Ensign?

July 30, 2008    By: Matt W. @ 2:55 pm   Category: Life

As I opened the August Ensign, and went over the prophet’s message, I found it interesting that in Aug 2008, the prophet decided to talk about September 11, 2001. Then I realized it was a reprint.

Yes I know this isn’t new by any stretch of the imagination. President Hinckley did this often.

And I know Monson has been repeating Sermons for 40 some odd years now.

But seriously, does President Monson contemporize his own republishings? Does he even select them? Or is this all done by some Ensign editor who with oversight from some curriculum guy? I’m just curious. Anyone know someone in the know on what the process is here?

*- I’m not bashing the choice to republish or asking for a doctrinal reason for it. I’m just curious about the process and practice thereof.

Time Travel Survival Tips

July 28, 2008    By: Kristen J @ 10:11 pm   Category: Life

I just want ya’ll to know that this is going to be kind of a weird post so…um…it’s just going to be weird. I will divulge something about myself that I don’t think that even Geoff, my husband, knows. Well, he probably knows, whenever Geoff’s around I tend to barf out whatever thoughts are in my head. I’d just like to think I had enough dignity to keep this to myself. Until now! (more…)

See you at FAIR

July 27, 2008    By: Jacob J @ 9:13 pm   Category: Life

Living in Oregon I don’t get to many of the various conferences, but as it turns out I will by in Utah this year during the FAIR conference on Aug 7th and 8th (since my brother in law is getting back from a mission that week) so I am going! I attended the FAIR conference one other time a few years back and it was a great time so I am looking forward to it this year. As usual, I see some bloggernaclers on the program and in particular I’m excited to see what Blake, Brian, and JimF do under the title Philosophy and Mormonism.

Who else has plans to be there?

Feel this bag!

   By: Geoff J @ 5:44 pm   Category: Life

This recent story over at KSL cracked me up (hat tip to Eric Snider and sorry if you saw this already):

A frustrating night for some would-be robbers in Salt Lake City, especially for one whose demand for cash went way wrong.

In Utah it may be a difficult deal to tell the difference between the words “fill” and “feel.” Last night when a robber presented a bag at the Cafe Treo, he told the server to “fill” it.

“The employee thought the suspect said ‘feel’ the bag, so the employee reached over and felt the bag,” said Detective Jeff Bedard, spokesman for the Salt Lake City Police Department.

Bedard says the suspect replied, “You’ve gotta be kidding” and fled the store empty-handed. “Maybe he had a chance rethink his life of crime,” Bedard said.

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