Jeff G is back in the saddle
Jeff G is an old friend of this blog so I thought it fitting to point out that he is back in the saddle and blogging about Philosophy and Mormonism at a new blog.
So far, the posts have taken the form of an ongoing dialogue between two interlocutors, much in the same format as a recent discussion between someone and himself here at this blog (ahem). The two participants are “David” (who seems to represent the actual Jeff G’s and his views) and “Jeff” (who seems to represent Jeff G’s best, tho usually losing, defense of Mormonism).
I have always found Jeff G to be one of the smartest and most interesting people in the bloggernacle. You’re not likely to find much in the way of Mormon apologetics at his blog, but if you’re interested in a skeptic’s ruminations about the intersection of philosophy and Mormonism, take a peek over there.
Thanks for the hat tip!!
For the record, I usually try to bring the dialogue to a compromise of sorts, where David’s point goes through, just not as far as he might have thought, leaving some non-mainstream form of Mormonism standing. My primary goal in doing this is to inspire Mormon objections to the philosophy, forcing us to further unpack the relevant ideas. Of course, how successful I am in this is open to interpretation.
Comment by Jeff G — March 13, 2010 @ 11:00 am
I thought StopThatCrow was launched years ago…
Is this a new iteration Jeff?
Comment by Geoff J — March 13, 2010 @ 12:14 pm
Most definitely.
The old Stop That Crow! had nothing to do with Mormonism whatsoever. I liked to think of it as the Atheist’s Mormon Metaphysics, in that I aspired to keep discussion at a relatively and technical level like Clark is able to do. I would compare the new Stop That Crow! to a skeptics New Cool Thang in that I’m trying to interact with the everyday Mormon on a more casual level.
Comment by Jeff G — March 13, 2010 @ 1:38 pm
While I’m explaining the site, I could let you in on the meaning behind the names I chose.
My first name, Jeff, corresponds not only to the beliefs which I had during the first part of my life, but is a play on what I would expect Geoff to say. (Get it?)
My middle name is David, and therefore corresponds to the next part of my life. This name also refers to my intellectual hero, the skeptical empiricist David Hume.
Comment by Jeff G — March 13, 2010 @ 3:57 pm
Is this the NCT good news minute? Or is that only a Relief Society thing? Anyway– I’m glad to hear it!
Comment by C Jones — March 13, 2010 @ 5:59 pm